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Heart Center (ECG , ECHO, Exercise ECG)


Our Specialized Heart Center

Dhanvantharii Hospital’s Heart Center offers a range of specialized cardiac services, including ECG, Echo, and Exercise ECG, providing comprehensive cardiac assessments and precise diagnostic evaluations.

Heart Center Services:

  • Diagnostic Assessments:
    State-of-the-art diagnostic tools aid in precise evaluations of cardiac health, including EKGs, echocardiograms, and stress tests.

  • Specialized Treatments:
    Our team offers a range of treatments, from interventional procedures to cardiac surgeries, tailored to individual patient needs.

  • Expert Cardiologists and Surgeons:
    Skilled cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and a dedicated support team ensure personalized and comprehensive care.

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG):
    Detailed assessments of your heart’s electrical activity for detecting irregularities or abnormalities.

  • Echocardiogram (Echo):
    Advanced imaging techniques to assess heart function, structure, and blood flow, aiding in precise diagnoses.

  • Exercise Electrocardiogram (Exercise ECG or Stress Test):
    Evaluations performed during physical activity to monitor heart function and detect potential issues.

Advanced Diagnostic Tools:

Our Heart Center utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure accurate and detailed assessments for effective cardiac care.

Expert Cardiologists:

Our team of experienced cardiologists specializes in interpreting results, providing expert analysis, and creating tailored treatment plans for optimal patient care.

Commitment to Cardiac Wellness:

Dhanvantharii Hospital’s Heart Center is dedicated to promoting cardiac wellness, offering precise diagnostics and comprehensive care to safeguard your heart health.

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Experience precise cardiac evaluations and expert care for your heart at Dhanvantharii Hospital’s specialized Heart Center.